Posts tagged with: style

Fashion Week in Five: Trending

Fashion Week never fails to leave its mark. Every year, and handful of trends from Fashion Week trickle to mass market stores, populate our Pinterest boards, and eventually end up...

Designing to Meet Demand: Market Trends Workshop

Market trend analysis is is the bread and butter of success. Just like any company, the fashion industry must meet customer demand to sell their product and be successful. In...

Summer Fashion in Spain

I consider the first date an interview. It all starts the same way: I dress in a black trench coat and turtle neck. With my hair loosely pulled back, I...

Top 10 Questions on Studying Abroad

Top 10 Questions on Studying Abroad...

Stay Stylish but Stay Sane

I think fashion can be overwhelming. When I read about new fashion trends and look through runways, I have one of two reactions. Sometimes I am inspired. Other times, I...